As the weather gets cooler, we are all spending more time indoors. Unfortunately, increased exposure to dangerous air pollutants is an often overlooked side effect of this change in our environment. In fact, the air in our homes, schools and offices can be 2 to 5 times more polluted, and in some cases 100 times more polluted, than outdoor air.
Try as we may, we cannot protect ourselves from all pollutants. However, there are steps we can take to ensure the air around us is clean and healthy. Research has found that the most effective way to reduce air pollution is to eliminate it at the source. That means choosing cleaning products, flooring, paint, and building materials with low or no emissions.

This is precisely why UL (Underwriter’s Laboratories) Environment created the GREENGUARD certification – to educate consumers on the dangers of air pollutants and assist them in creating safer living and working environments. UL has tested almost 100 thousand products in over 40 countries since its inception in 1894. The company acquired GREENGUARD in 2011, further advancing its mission of promoting global sustainability, environmental health, and safety.
ABATRON is committed to making products that keep our customer safe. You may have noticed a GREENGUARD logo on some of our most popular products; LiquidWood®, WoodEpox®, Aboweld 55-1 ™ and Abocrete™, but what exactly does that little green box mean?
To obtain a GREENGUARD certification, each product is tested rigorously for chemical and product emissions during simulated use, and must meet required allowable emission levels within 7 to 14 days of installation. This means that our products are certified to keep you and your family safe not only during application, but throughout the curing process and beyond. A unique “Single Room Exposure Model” of testing is used to ensure customer safety even when utilizing our product for repairs indoors, or in poorly ventilated areas. This along with several other prescribed test methods are the key factors in determining whether or not a product can proudly display a GREENGUARD logo.
The work does not end there- after a product receives certification, it is subjected to on-going testing, documentation, and a verification process to demonstrate its consistent performance. Although the certification process may seem time-consuming (often taking six or more months per product initially and then a lifetime of certification maintenance), it is more than worth it to ABATRON to ensure the safety and health of our devoted customers.
To learn more about GREENGUARD certified products, please visit their website – http://greenguard.org