Summer is here and temperatures are rising. What better way to relax than to go for a dip in a nice cool pool right in your back yard? It is a great image, but one that can be quickly shattered by a crack or other surface damage to your pool area. We all know that the initial investment to install a pool can be quite costly, but what buyers often do not know is that professional repairs and maintenance can make a large dent in your wallet as well. You are probably thinking to yourself, “There has to be a better solution”.

ABATRON’s line of high-performance products for pools and decks can save you time, effort, and thousands of dollars over the lifespan of your outdoor oasis. Whether it is a small underwater repair or a full concrete resurfacing, this Wisconsin-based company has developed a product for the job. Any repair to a large surface like a pool can seem intimidating to the average homeowner, but ABATRON has taken fear out of equation with its user-friendly product instructions and customer service team. As you can see in the chart below, almost all of the products can tackle multiple types of repairs, making it the most practical brand for the do-it-your-selfer to keep around the house.

- Abocrete® is stronger than concrete and can patch, resurface and rebuild horizontal concrete in and around your pool.
- Aboweld 55-1® repairs vertical surfaces in your pool without the need for forms or molds.
- Abocoat 8508-1® is a heavy-duty, long-lasting epoxy pool paint with excellent adhesion and firm integrity.
- BestBond® Crack Repair is an epoxy product that fills and repairs cracks while resisting future cracks due to its flexibility. It is perfect for pools due to its water, chemical, and UV resistance.
- Abogrip® is a heavy-duty epoxy system that provides slip-resistance and safety to all pool areas.
Once you have the right ABATRON product for the job, you are ready to tackle any crack, coating, or tile issue that comes your way. For more information or questions on your pool repair project, contact ABATRON at (800)445-1754 or by email at